There are several ways you can actively participate in this unique project to build a replacement for YEO and EXE.
You can become a member of the 762 Club by purchasing one or more memberships. Each membership costs £750.00. Details of how to purchase these can be found on the Membership page.
Recognising that £750 can be difficult to commit to in one go, a monthly subscription scheme is also available.
You can also contribute by donating through our "Sponsor-a-Component" scheme - a range of components are described, each with a given value. Some will be a single item, whilst others will require several of the same item to complete the locomotives. A donation to that value can secure that component for the project, and ensure your that name is recorded as a contributor (or you can give anonymously if you wish). From time to time, the components available will vary, and we will try to offer a range of donation values. Further details will eventually appear on the Sponsorship page.
Alternatively you can donate simply by:
Bank transfer: To The 762 Club Ltd Sort code: 30-90-78 Account number: 29610160 with your name in the Reference Field
If you would like an acknowledgement or to confirm your donation please email us.
Cheque: Made payable to THE 762 CLUB
Send to:
Jon Pain
26 Oaklands
EX39 3HW
If you wish your donation to be treated as Gift Aid please complete the section of the Application Form and post to the above address, or photograph/scan and email it to us.
Note if you have already completed a 762 Club Gift Aid form we will have this on file so no need to resend.