News Update December 2023
An extract from the FFWHY ‘Motion Pictures’ No. Eighty Five featuring components being machines for YEO and EXE. Jon Whalley narrating.
An extract from the FFWHY ‘Motion Pictures’ No. Eighty Five featuring components being machines for YEO and EXE. Jon Whalley narrating.
The machining of the hornblocks, axleboxes and axlebox keeps for Yeo and Exe is underway at Boston Lodge. The steel castings were painted on delivery to stop rusting and blue indicates that this particular hornblock is destined for Exe. Once machined and completed the hornblocks will be bolted to the mainframes to accept the axleboxes
November 23 Video Update
Castings for a number of parts for Yeo & Exe have been cast by Peak Patterns ltd in Sheffield. These are now with the WHR FR at Boston Lodge for machining.
Included in this batch are driving wheels, front & rear frame stays, hornblocks, bogie frame stretchers, axleboxes and keeps, slide bar brackets and radius links for the Joy valve gear.
This lamp was on LYN when the L&B closed and is featured in various photos of the loco.
The 762 Club intend to bid on this item as a spiritual and fitting connection for our locomotive LYN and her links with the past and the Lynton & Barnstaple.
Work is continuing at Boston Lodge with the cylinders and their end covers plus the valve chest covers having been machined. A small amount remains on a couple of the cylinder blocks which will be 100% complete in the very near future.
The pony truck axles have been made and the wheels pressed on. That will make them much easier to handle and move around.
August 22 Video Update
Filmed at the Spring Gala , Peter Miles provides an update on the new build of Manning Wardle locomotives YEO and EXE.
May 22 More Components Out for Quotation